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Download the e-Reception Book App

How to download the application onto your iPad, via the Apple App store

Updated over a week ago

Downloading the iPad app

The application can easily be downloaded directly from the Apple App store, all you need to do is search for “e-Reception Book - Visitor App”. 


Apple requires all iPads to be signed in with an Apple ID to download apps from the App Store. If you are not signed in with an Apple ID, you will be asked to sign in to an existing Apple ID or create a new one before downloading the app.

An Apple ID must be verified by email, so if you are registering a new account, you must choose an email address that you have access to. If this is the first time you have used the Apple ID that the iPad is connected to, you may be prompted to provide billing information. In the list of card types, select None if you do not wish to set up card details.

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