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How to enable feedback to a category
How to enable feedback to a category

A quick guide to show you how to ask for feedback when a visitor checks out

Updated over a week ago

The 'Feedback' feature allows you to ask any question from visitors as they check out of site. This enables you to build a custom feedback questionnaire and receive the data you require from your visitors.

To complete this task first check that Feedback has been enabled in the settings, you can do this here. Once enabled, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Dashboard

  2. Visitors > Categories

  3. Select the required Category

  4. Tick 'Enable Feedback / Rating'

  5. Click 'Update Category'

You can also make it mandatory for feedback to be given. To do this follow the steps below.

Please note your device must be running version 3.4.11 for this feature to show.

  1. Enable 'Feedback'

  2. Enable 'Feedback Required'

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