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3.0.2 Release Notes

Introducing e-Reception Book Version 3.0.2

Updated over a week ago

This version contains several new features, plus bug fixes.

  • Default position QR for contactless now appears middle right of screen

  • Kiosk improvements

  • Type to search now on Offsite Reasons

  • User can customise the check in and checkout wording in Branding

  • New QR code toggles in settings to turn on and off the camera previews in the respective check-in pages

  • Custom questions, if long now appear in full when tapping that section on the app

  • Rota now works over 24 hours

  • Dashboard now supports Custom Staff and Visitor questions on check-in

  • White is no longer a selectable colour for buttons and background

  • You can preview the gradient colour in ‘Branding’ under a new ‘Preview’ option

  • Dashboard offsite now searches on 3.0 the new reasons logic

  • Customise the QR disclaimer wording on the email in the Branding/Wording section

  • Mobile QR now shows the attention popup

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