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All Collectionse-Reception Book - LegacyFeatures
How to allocate an Employee Role
How to allocate an Employee Role

A short explanation on how to allocate a created role to an Employee

Updated over a week ago

You can create Roles for your employees, which will dictate their permissions/notifications once assigned.

There are two ways to assign a role to an employee; either individually editing their details or multi selecting employees and assigned in bulk.

Assigning by Multi Selection

1. Log into your Dashboard

2. Go to Contacts > My Employees

3. Select the required employees

4. Click ‘Assign Roles’

5. Select the required role and Click ‘Update Role.’

Adding Invites individually

1. Log into your Dashboard

2. Go to Contacts > My Employees > Edit

3. Select the required Role

4. Click ‘Update Employee.’

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