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A feature that allows you to capture feedback when visitors are checking out from the system

Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to ask visitors any questions as they check out of site. This enables you to build a custom feedback questionnaire and receive the data you require from your visitors.

Types of Feedback Field


Use a smiley face scale 1 to 5, to give a rating on your set question

example - How would you rate our facilities today on your visit?


Capture an answer in text to your question

example - Please enter your comments of how your visit was today?

Offer various options, which the visitor can select one answer

example - What department have you come to visit today?

Multiple Choice

Offer various options, which the visitor can select serval answers from.

example - Please select the areas you visited today?


Capture an answer in numbers to your question, please note auto shows the numeric keyboard

example - What was your recorded temperature when you left?


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