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RefineMyData - Get Started Guide
RefineMyData - Get Started Guide
Updated over a week ago

At RefineMyData, we are passionate about helping businesses of all sizes unlock the true potential of their data. We understand that the success of your business relies on having access to accurate and reliable data, which is why we have developed a powerful data-cleaning solution designed to streamline your data-cleaning process.

Our team of experts has years of experience working with businesses across a range of industries, and we have seen firsthand the impact that poor-quality data can have on decision-making and overall business performance. That's why we have made it our mission to help businesses clean and refine their data, allowing them to make informed decisions, improve efficiency, and drive growth.

At RefineMyData, we believe that data cleaning should be accessible to everyone, which is why we offer a user-friendly solution that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our powerful tools are designed to help you save time, reduce errors, and gain better insights into your data, so you can focus on what really matters: growing your business.

Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, we are here to help you unlock the full potential of your data.

Account Creation

In order to set up your account on RefineMyData, you will need to click on the provided link to initiate the account-creating process. Once you do so, you will be directed to a webpage displaying the necessary information and fields that must be completed to successfully create your account.

Home Screen

After the successful creation of your account on RefineMyData, you will be automatically directed to the platform's home page. This page provides you with a comprehensive overview of all the data cleaning activities that are currently in progress, complete with real-time updates on their statuses. By utilising this page, you can stay informed on the progress of your data cleaning projects and ensure that they are on track to meet your desired outcomes.

The user-friendly interface and intuitive design of the platform's home page make it easy to navigate and access the information you need on one page.

Data Upload & Mapping

To get started with RefineMyData, follow the steps below.

Please note: We recommend you use the template provided by clicking 'Template' on the left-hand side of the page to map your data before uploading.

Upon successfully completing the previous step in the RefineMyData platform, you will be directed to the mapping page, where you can leverage the power of cutting-edge AI technology to automatically map the fields within your data.

This innovative feature is designed to streamline the data mapping process, allowing you to save time and effort while achieving accurate and precise results. As you can see on the page, most fields are automatically recognised and mapped by RefineMyData, which is indicated by a corresponding tick box displayed alongside each field. By utilising this feature, you can optimise your data management efforts and unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity in your data-driven endeavours.

In the event that a particular field within your data is not automatically recognised and mapped by the RefineMyData platform, it will be highlighted in orange to draw your attention to it. At this point, you will have the option to either select an appropriate mapping option or keep the field unmapped.

To select a mapping option for the field, simply click on it and you will be presented with a list of available options to choose from. This intuitive and user-friendly feature allows you to easily customise the mapping process according to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that your data is accurately and comprehensively managed in accordance with your desired outcomes.

Please note: It is important to keep in mind that, while mapping your data fields within the RefineMyData platform, you can only select a maximum of one mapped field to correspond with each of your own fields.

For instance, if you have a data field named "Company Name", you can only select one corresponding mapped field to be linked to it within the platform. This is an essential feature designed to ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data mapping process, as selecting multiple mapped fields for a single data field can potentially lead to errors and confusion in your data management efforts.

Data Audit & Results

Upon successfully completing the above step, you will be redirected to your free data audit page, which has been designed to provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of statistics that illustrate just how effectively RefineMyData has cleaned and improved your data.

This includes a variety of different metrics, selected to give you an overview of the improvements made to your data. By providing you with this detailed information, we hope to instil a greater sense of trust and confidence in RefineMyData, while also empowering you to make informed decisions about how to utilise your newly refined data.

General statistics information:

Total Records - Total records that your file contains before and during the RefineMyData cleanse.

Improved Records - Total records that have been improved after the RefineMyData cleanse. We identify an improved record when RefjneMyData has modified a minimum of one field. This could be adding a salutation or improving the contact number formatting. As you can see in the example above, 82% of the total records have been improved.

Cleansed data estimate - This value is how much it will cost for you to purchase your new data file. This value is inclusive of VAT.

Contact Names information:

Imported - The Imported metric refers to the total number of records that have been successfully imported into the RefineMyData platform.

Improved - The Improved metric, on the other hand, represents the total number of records that have been significantly enhanced and improved after undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. An example of this may involve generating a more accurate and relevant salutation for a given contact record, for instance, resulting in an overall improvement in the record's quality. As you can see, 63% of records have been improved after the cleansed.

Unchanged - The Unchanged metric indicates the number of contact records that remain unchanged and valid after the RefineMyData cleanse, indicating that these records were already of high quality and did not require any further improvements or modifications.

Blank - Blank metric refers to the number of contact records that are all blank whilst undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. Our goal is to minimise this number as much as possible, thereby ensuring that your data is comprehensive, accurate, and actionable.

Phone Numbers information:

Imported - The Imported metric refers to the total number of records that have been successfully imported into the RefineMyData platform.

Valid Format - The valid format represents the total number of records with a contact number that has been validated after undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. As you can see, 100% of records with numbers have been validated after the cleansed.

Unchanged - The Unchanged metric indicates the number of contact records that remain unchanged and valid after the RefineMyData cleanse, indicating that these records were already of high quality and did not require any further validation or modifications.

Blank - Blank metric refers to the number of contact records that are all blank whilst undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. Our goal is to minimise this number as much as possible, thereby ensuring that your data is comprehensive, accurate, and actionable.

Addresses information:

Imported - The Imported metric refers to the total number of records that have been successfully imported into the RefineMyData platform.

Improved - The Improved metric, on the other hand, represents the total number of records with address fields that have been significantly enhanced and improved after undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. An example of this may involve generating a city and county record when a postcode is present. As you can see, 90.8% of the records have been improved after the cleansed.

Unchanged - The Unchanged metric indicates the number of contact records that remain unchanged and valid after the RefineMyData cleanse, indicating that these records were already of high quality and did not require any further improvements or modifications.

Blank - Blank metric refers to the number of contact records that are all blank whilst undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. Our goal is to minimise this number as much as possible, thereby ensuring that your data is comprehensive, accurate, and actionable.

Email Address information:

Imported - The Imported metric refers to the total number of records that have been successfully imported into the RefineMyData platform.

Domain Validated - The domain-validated statistics represent the total number of records with email addresses that have been domain validated after undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. As you can see, 100% of the records have been validated after the cleanse.

Invalid - The invalid statistics represent the total number of records with email addresses that have been domain invalid after undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. As you can see, 0 records are invalid.

Blank - Blank metric refers to the number of contact records that are all blank whilst undergoing the RefineMyData cleansing process. Our goal is to minimise this number as much as possible, thereby ensuring that your data is comprehensive, accurate, and actionable.

Gender information:

Our data cleanse includes a sophisticated gender split analysis, which utilises state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology as an integral component of our RefineMyData service.

This innovative technology enables us to provide you with a detailed breakdown of the gender of your data, including the percentages of male, female, and unknown genders. By conducting this in-depth analysis, we aim to assist you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the demographics of your data, thereby empowering you to make informed decisions about your business strategies and marketing campaigns.

Phone Types

By analysing the data presented in this statistical information, we provide a report on if the contact number is a mobile device, a landline phone, or whether it falls under the category of unknown classification, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of the contact information in question.

Duplicates Found

As part of our cleanse, we are pleased to offer a comprehensive duplicate statistic analysis, which provides you with valuable insights into the percentage of unique records and duplicates within your entire data file.

RefineMyData identifies and isolates duplicate records within your dataset. Duplicate records are identified when multiple records share an exact match on one or more fields. For example, suppose two individuals, James Smith and Tommy West, have the same email address, such as [email protected]. In that case, this would be considered a duplicate record.

By providing you with a detailed breakdown of the percentage of unique records and duplicates in your dataset, we empower you to gain valuable insights into the overall quality of your data. With this information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions about your business strategies and marketing campaigns, thereby maximising your potential for success.


RefineMyData has the capability to provide you with a representation of your data in the form of a pie chart, illustrating the top five geographical locations that occur within your file.

This is incredibly useful as it enables you to discern and distinguish the preferences and behaviours of your audience, which in turn empowers you to initiate a targeted marketing strategy based on their location, resulting in higher open rates and greater engagement.

By leveraging the power of RefineMyData's advanced technology, you will be able to unravel critical insights about your audience's location and tailor your communication strategies accordingly, resulting in a more personalised and effective outreach.

Email Domains

Through the utilisation of our cutting-edge DNS domain validation tool, we have the capability to identify and categorise the distribution of email domains within your dataset, thereby empowering you to evaluate and analyse the efficacy and appearance of your email campaigns across a diverse range of mailboxes.

By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various email domains present within your data set, you can test your campaign across multiple email clients and ensure that your messaging is optimised for each respective platform. It's important to note that certain email providers, such as Google and Yahoo, may have more stringent filtering systems in place which can lead to your campaign being relegated to the spam folder, resulting in lower engagement and conversion rates.

Sample Data

Once you have chosen to click on the "View Sample Data" button, RefineMyData will generate and present you interactive live sample data. This feature is designed to provide you with a glimpse of the capabilities of RefineMyData in terms of data cleansing and organisation.

On your screen, you will be presented with a carefully selected set of randomised and refined data within your newly created file. This will enable you to experience firsthand the power and efficiency of RefineMyData, as you navigate through the various functions and features of the software.

We are confident that this interactive live sample data feature will give you a comprehensive understanding of the immense benefits of RefineMyData in terms of data refinement and organisation. We encourage you to take full advantage of this exciting feature and explore the endless possibilities that await you.

There are 4 tabs to select

- Contacts
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Email

As you navigate through the interactive live sample, you will notice that certain fields are highlighted in green. These highlighted fields are a critical feature of our software, designed to help you easily identify and distinguish the significant improvements that have been made after the cleansing process against the pre-cleansed data.

The purpose of these green highlights is to provide a clear visual representation of the transformations that have taken place within your data set. By doing so, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the overall impact of RefineMyData on your data and appreciate the level of detail that goes into refining your information.

With this unique feature, you can easily and quickly see the various fields that have undergone significant improvements after the cleansing process. This feature is particularly useful when analysing large datasets, as it allows you to identify trends and patterns in your data, which can help you make more informed decisions.

RefineMyData has a unique feature that allows you to compare and contrast specific records within your data set, to determine the level of improvement that has been achieved through the data cleansing process. This feature is a vital tool that ensures that you have complete visibility and control over the quality of your data.

When you select a specific record to compare, RefineMyData will present you with a side-by-side comparison of the "before" and "after" versions of that record. This allows you to quickly and easily see the improvements that have been made, and gain a clear understanding of how the data cleansing process has enhanced the accuracy and reliability of your data.

When you access the sample data file, you will have the opportunity to view the sample data in our meticulously designed and structured export format, which has been specifically created to showcase the various export fields available to you.

This allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the export format and the range of fields that are available to you, ensuring that you can make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the export format that best suits your needs.

Purchasing your cleansed file

Data Export

When you purchase a file through RefineMyData, you can rest assured that it will be automatically downloaded and saved onto your computer or desktop for easy access. Upon opening the file, you will immediately be presented with your newly refined data, in all its organised and streamlined glory.

The data is conveniently presented in an Excel spreadsheet, with two distinct tabs located at the bottom of the page. The first tab, "Results," displays your before and after cleansed data, giving you a clear view of the transformations that have taken place. The second tab, "Reports," provides detailed statistics and metrics regarding your newly cleansed file, which can be viewed on the data results page of your RefineMyData portal.

To further enhance your data viewing experience, we have colour-coded the exported data, using three distinct colours: blue, khaki, and green. The blue fields represent your original mapped data before the RefineMyData cleanse, while the khaki fields represent the unmapped data fields before the cleanse.

The green fields are where RefineMyData truly shines, representing the cleansed data that has been optimised and streamlined to meet your specific needs. By colour-coding your data in this way, we make it easy for you to identify and distinguish the areas where RefineMyData has made significant improvements, allowing you to take a closer look at the data that matters most to you.

Please note: RefineMyData offers a range of advanced improvement filters that are designed to help you quickly and easily identify the areas where your data has been improved. These filters are an essential tool for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the specific areas where RefineMyData has made the most significant impact on their data quality.

When you open your newly cleansed data file, you will be able to access a range of powerful improvement filters, each of which is designed to target specific areas of your data. These filters allow you to quickly and easily view records that have been improved across a range of key data fields, including contacts, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

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