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Custom Questions
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to create custom questions on the e-Reception Book dashboard. Read this article to learn more about how you can assign custom questions to visitor categories, filter questions and more.

What are Custom Questions?

Custom questions are a feature of the e-Reception Book dashboard and allow you to create your own personalised questions to ask visitors when they sign out of your building.

By creating custom questions you can gather specific feedback from visitors and use this feedback to improve your services. This article will show you how you can add, edit and filter your custom questions.

How to Create Custom Questions

Read the guide below to learn how you can create custom questions on the e-Reception Book dashboard:

How to Edit Questions

Editing custom questions you’ve made is very simple, read the guide below to learn how you can edit an existing custom question:

How to Add Custom Questions to Categories

If you would like to add your custom questions to a visitor category, read the guide below:

To delete a question from your category, click on the question until a blue X symbol appears next to the question's title.

How to Add Rules to Custom Questions

‘Rules’ are commands you can set up so that when certain criteria are met, it will perform an action.

For example, if you create a custom question asking visitors if they've experienced Covid-19 symptoms, you can create a rule so that anyone who answers "Yes" will trigger a notification to an employee via email.

Read the guide below to learn how you can add rules to custom questions on the

e-Reception Book dashboard:

How to Filter Questions

On the e-Reception Book dashboard, you can search for questions using a 'filter'. This filter will help you to find questions of a certain type.

Read the guide below to learn how to search for questions using the 'filter search' tool:

Different Types of Custom Questions

When you create a custom question, you can choose which type of question you want it to be. Below are examples of different types of custom questions:


This type of question allows visitors to answer on a 1-10 number scale. This question type is good for ratings.


This type of question allows visitors to answer by typing text. This is a good question type to use to allow visitors to type long sentence answers.


This type of question allows visitors to answer questions quickly. This question type is good for simple questions.

Multiple Choice

The 'multiple choice' question type allows visitors to select more than one option from the answers. This question type is good if more than one answer may apply.

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Additional Support

If you have any immediate questions, please use our Live Chat on the bottom right-hand side of the page.

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