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Email Notifications
Updated over 3 months ago

This article will explain the Emails feature on the dashboard and how to use it. Read this article to learn more about the Emails feature.

What is the Emails feature on the dashboard?

The 'Emails' feature on the e-Reception Book dashboard allows you to quickly create your custom emails for automated processes.

For example, you can create custom emails to notify staff for when visitors arrive, visitors leave, welcoming visitors and more. These can be customised for your organisation such as schools and care homes.

Creating these automated emails help keep processes running smoothly and help to keep your organisation safe with up to date notifications about activity happening within your building.

How to access the 'Emails' section on the dashboard

To access the email section on the e-Reception Book dashboard, read the guide below.

Email definitions and how these get sent

On the Emails section of the e-Reception Book dashboard, there are 8 default email templates that you can create and edit. These will vary according to your organisation (See pictures below for an example of different Email templates).

Read this section to learn more about each of the email templates and the criteria that has to be met for the automatic emails to be sent.




Care homes:

Visitor, resident or pupil leave alert:

When a resident/visitor/pupil signs out of your building, you will receive an email notification.

Host Arrival

When a visitor checks in they can select the employee they are visiting. This will notify the employee via email that their visitor has arrived.

Host Invite

This email is sent to the host of the invited party to confirm the invitation.

Host Leaving

When the visitor signs out of the building, the host (employee they were visiting) will be notified they have now left.

Late pupil alert

This email is sent as an alert to notify selected staff when a pupil arrives late.

No Match Alert

This is to notify that a visitor has arrived but is not allocated to a host. This means a host may have forgot to invite them to have a meeting or they have not been invited by anyone and may need assistance. This can help your staff identify people who may not belong in your building.

Pre-approved confirmation

This email is sent to your upcoming visitor once they have been added as a

Pre-Approved invite.

Resident/pupil returned alert

This email alerts your employees that a resident/pupil has returned.

Visitor Invitation

This email is sent to your upcoming visitor once they have been added in Invitations.

Visitor Leaving

This email is sent to your visitor when they check out.

Visitor Welcome

This email is sent to your visitor when they check-in and provide their email address.

How to edit emails

If you would like to learn how to edit an email template, please read the guide below.

How to preview and test emails

Read the guide below to learn how you can preview your email templates and send yourself a test email to see how it will look to your recipients.

How to reset emails to our default wording

If you would like to reset the templates so they are back to the default wording, please read the guide below.

How to stop no match email alerts

'No Match Alerts' send email notifications to employees when a visitor checks in and enters the name of someone they are visiting who is not on the employee list. If you wish to disable this feature on the e-Reception Book dashboard, please follow the steps outlined below:


You can disable other email alerts in the screenshot above by following the same steps.

Additional Support

If you have any immediate questions, please use our Live Chat on the bottom right-hand side of the page.

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